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Ritual Medicine

Do you have the sense that there's a spiritual or energetic component to your health challenges?

Are you drawn to approach healing from a perspective that engages the support of the spirit realm?

I work with these types of health challenges:

  • inflammatory & auto-immune disease (ex: Crohn's, Irritable Bowel Disease, psoriasis)

  • recovery from injury (ex: surgery, broken bones, traumatic birth experiences)

  • diseases of the liver, kidneys, reproductive system, and thyroid

  • damage to tissues of the body, including muscle tissue, organ tissue, and nervous tissue

This is not an exhaustive list; please feel free to inquire about your unique situation.

Client results may include improvement or resolution of health challenges, relief from symptoms, and decreased pain.

Ritual medicine is a healing modality I was guided to practice during my time in Sakha Republic. This is a healing modality in which I work in partnership with spirit allies to support healthy function and vitality in your physical health. 

During sessions I enter into a trance state and work with my allies in the spirit realm to support healing for you. The work happens on a spiritual level, but the changes manifest for you on a physical level. 

Because I work with transpersonal states in an esoteric modality, I find it difficult to describe with language exactly what it is I'm doing during the session. My mentor in this work, Yllyktaakh, calls it cosmo-energetic healing. Some shamans describe this work as spirit journeying in search of medicines for their clients. Some shamans talk about it in terms of healing with herbs, minerals, and surgeries, but all on a spiritual level; no physical substances are used. 

All sessions include co-creating ritual space; a deep relaxation and guided meditation for you, during which time I will enter into trance work; integration of our session together, and closing with blessing, grounding, and strengthening of ties with the sources of love, support, and inspiration around you. During integration time, I will counsel you towards greater insight and help you cultivate strategies that promote your well-being, and we will discuss your experience of the session.  After our first session, we will decide whether to continue with a full course of treatment, which typically varies from 3-12 sessions.  Part of our process together may include keeping a journal of dreams, intuitions, and synchronicities, as well as implementing shifts in your daily practices and lifestyle. I will be available over email to support you between sessions.

I'm especially passionate about working collaboratively with clients who are willing and able to make lifestyle changes in service to their radiant health and fulfillment of their highest purpose. 

I do this work at the behest of my Sakha ancestors, who asked me to re-inhabit indigenous ways and pursue initiation as a ritualist and healing arts practitioner. Their guidance led me to travel to Sakha Republic for initiation. 

When my mentor guided me into the practice, he told me that the capacity to do this work was already present within me, and I just needed him to support me in the transition into working in this way. It is the spirits who are doing the work, and I serve as their channel. My training as an Ayurvedic practitioner informs my approach to counseling and  lifestyle changes to promote health. Gratitude to Yllyktaakh, my ancestors, and the spirits, whose guidance and encouragement continue to illuminate my path. My sincere intention is that this work brings healing and balance to the beings of Earth. 

This work can be done in person or at a distance; in fact, it may be preferable to work over distance. This work can complement approaches from other modalities, including western biomedicine. 

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(415) 890-3005

2145 19th Avenue, Suite 205
San Francisco, CA

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CA SB577: Laura Perlin is not a licensed physician or psychotherapist. Laura Perlin is a certified massage therapist. Beyond this, the state of California does not license the types of healing modalities practiced by Laura Perlin.


©2019 by Laura Perlin

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